Alooooha! :)
Well, finally, my hoomans managed to declare an end to the painting-war. They won: now we have a super-red office (now they are mounting some fabulous BESTA shelves, from Ikea, in order to store their 43536373839 books... what for?? they are faraway from being clever... Isn't it better to dig holes and roll over in the mud!?) and a double coloured hallway (I'm still recovering of what they did to my Dali inspired hole in the wall).
Let me tell you something, dear friends: I hate these changes around the house. There's always something in the floor (a vacuum cleaner, a big box of books, the desk, furniture to mount, a bucket of paint... arggghhh!), not letting me shake my bum through the house.
I guess that's why I'm going through a rough fase, now. At home, I'm a sweet girl... but anytime I see another dog in my walks.... OH BOY! I go completely nuts! I jump, I try to bite my leash, I lay down in the floor, belly up (specially if my hoomans try to grab me) , rolling in the floor like a maniac, really overexcited! I think they get a bit sad with me. Then, it all passes away, and I go back to be the sweet gold ball of fur that I usually am. I guess that's because I'm a teenager.
I guess that is why Carla bought a head collar. What a stupid idea. I hate that thing. What did I do? I started using my most depressed look. Ears down and eyes up, just like BOLT (did you see this movie?! you HAVE to!). It worked. My hoomans say that it looks groovy on me, so, they are going to buy a Halti harness now. Do you know it? Do you recommend this kind of harness?? Here in Portugal we can't find the Easy Walk Harness...
Well, anyway, we found the time to go to Carla's parents house, for me to play with my best friend, Antonio, Carla's father... it's my favourite thing in the world, playing with him!

At night, John always pets my paws when he is watching TV (and if he forgets, I remind him :))
I've been crazy, as usual...
12 comentários:
Such a cutie! Augie loves to have his paws petted at night. He sits next to you and lifts each one up for a nice massage :)
It's too bad you can't find the Easy Walk harness there--they are great!
Hi, Pipa!
Glad you had time to make a post! Humans working are not fun!
Sure you had a pawesome time with Antonio!
I hope you can find the right harness for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Que saudades da Pipa!!! O Indi então, sempre que chega o Domingo, olha para mim com olhos de "quero ver a pipa, será hoje?". Pipa, não faço ideia do que possa ser um easy walk harness! Por aqui já desistimos de passeios com trela (só em sítios com multidões). Foram precisos uns quantos berros e palmadas mas já se portam os dois razoavelmente bem, o suficiente para andarem à solta. Mas a Polli andou aí maluca a tentar encontrar a coleira mais girly-pinky-fluffy para a Vicky. E lá plo meio dos 50 mostradores de coleiras encontrou a que melhor condizia com a tonalidade do pelo e dos olhos (que mariquice...) da Vicks! Portanto Carla, caso não encontres o tal harness podes sempre pedir a Polli emprestada porque com aquele timbre de voz não há cãozinho que não obedeça só para a calar!
Beijinho grande de felicidade por estarem back on track!*
Pipuxa! ai... estas hormonas na fase da adolescência são mto complicadas de gerir... eu já levei umas palmadinhas à pala disso!
no outro dia fiz a Sara dar "show" na rua ahahhaha sentei-me e não quis ir para casa! Má-Nada!
Foi tão giro vel-la a TENTAR arrastar-me para casa.... até que.... ups... ela zangou-se... agarrou-me no cachaço... e lá fui eu mansinho... o que vale é que a minha vizinha apareceu para me socorrer! disse logo a Sara... coitadiiiiiiinnhhooo... sim, era eu o coitadinho hehe
PS - perguntaste do meu peitoral não foi? é um super normal... ainda não chekamos esse que dizes :)
boa sorte!
Hi Pipa,
Oh dear...I'm sorry to hear that you didn't like the head collar. I hated mine too! Even though everyone recommended it for pulling problems - I was so depressed when I was wearing it - and I was STILL pulling - so in the end, my humans went back to the check chain and used that to teach me to walk nicely...but they had the help of a very good trainer. It's a shame you can't find a good dog trainer in Portugal to help your humans!
Anyway, I hope you like the Halti harness better so your humans can have more control over you...try not to be naughty! You know if you're not so naughty, your humans will take you to many more places and you can do many more fun things!
Good luck and hope to hear an update from you soon!
Honey the Great Dane
Olá, Pipa! Vamos ser amiguinhos, sim!
Lambs, o Kimba
Pipa, apesar de os teus donos acharem que és uma teenager rebelde, nós gostamos de ti! Canitos ao poder! :)
Rufus e Indie
Hi Pipa,
I love your crazy photo! Titus says "woof" from one frogger to another:)
Oi Pipa deixo te um desafio no meu blog
Hi Pipa!!!
We are back!
We miss you !
Congrats for the cute photos :D
auf auf
Hugs and kisses from kikos world :D
ps. we have a award for you :D
A parede vermelha deve ter ficado o máximo. Agora não contradigas mais os donos e confia no gosto decorativo deles. Eles lá sabem o que fazem.
Temos que combinar novos passeios. Se calhar andas mais excitada na rua porque tens falta dos teus amigos amarelos de Domingo ;)
Beijinhos e lambidelas
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