Aloha, furry-and-not-so-furry-friends!Wow, I have to catch up! Let's see...
I've been tagged to the same game by boootiful Honey and by (my) Hero :). Well, the rules are a bit different, but the main ones are: - Open the folder that contains Pet photos or the 6th photo of the 6th folder
- Select any photo in that folder that you haven’t posted previously or pick the 6th of the 6th :)
- Post that photo along with the story behind it on your blog.
- Then, tag 5 friends.
Well, I chose the 6th of the 6th, 'cause I don't exactly have a Pet Photos folder... Actually, our computers in the house are completely full of Pipa's photos... BOL.
Here it goes:
The story of this picture? It's just me being happy at the beach. Water, a ball to retrieve, what can I say... this was taken last winter, I posted a few pictures about it. :)I've been away for a while, I lost myself a bit with the tagging games and with who-played-what, so.... I'm tagging everyone who never played this funny game before and wants to do it!
And I'm doing the same with my next game! Thanks to Michelle and Titus, her bootiful current foster, at Dog By Nature for giving us the Honest Scrap award! The instructions are to link back to the person who gave us this award, share 10 things about myself that are true, and pass it along to 10 more bloggers. So, if anyone want to play this game, consider yourselves tagged! :)
5 things about me:
- EVERY SINGLE TIME my hoomans (or any visit) arrive at the house, I have this funny ritual, like I said above: I start waging my tail, I grab something in my mouth and I start making funny noises, moaning of joy! It's really funny.
- I simply love the water, I'm the true beach babe. I even jump over the waves to get in! :)
- If I want to chew something, I have to do it OVER my hoomans feet.
- I get crazy around other dogs, 'cause I'm always in the mood to play, but around kids and babies I sit really still and I just love when they pet me.
- This one is very unusual: sometimes, in my last walk of the day, if I'm sleepy when my hoomans grab the harness and leash... I just lay down on the ground and don't move an inch. So, there they are, door open to go out, "C'mon Pipa, let's go, let's go for a walk, c'mon", and there I am, head down on the floor, pretending I'm not listening at all... :)
5 things about Carla
- She loves to swim.
- She loves to talk (sometimes, I even fall asleep).
- She loves babies.
- Sometimes she falls asleep petting me.
- She ALWAYS sings in the shower, it's irritating. So sometimes she sings and I moan. BOL
Now, another HGP (Hoomans Grooviness Proof). It's against Carla, as usual, and her annoying habit of taking pictures of me all the time.
When she gave me this green toy (she's always buying me toYs) - it's a retrieving toy for the beach - the first thing I did was snif it a bit. Then, I started my "new toy/sock/thing to grab" routine: waging my tail, making funny noises and walking aroun my hoomans. And then, 3 minutes later or so (not more) I just laid down with my new toy like this, preparing myself for a nap. I just don't understand what's so special about my sleeping positions.