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segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2009

Hello furry and not-so-furry friends!


Did I ever tell you that we have the most amazing sunsets here in Portugal, specially during summer??? Lately I've been doing my afternoon walks in a park nearby, wich is amazing! We go there to run and to walk really fast. After my hoomans exercise, I get to do a lot of snifing and a lot of rolling in the grass. Did you know that rolling in the grass is good for your skin? You should all try it. Specially the hoomans. :)

Could we please stop this walking-running stupid activity and just roll in the grass?

This is Carla trying to convince herself that she managed to convince me to walk nicely in a leash. 10 seconds later, of course, the leash flew away from her finger, 'cause I saw a little birdie and ran away.

That's it. I'm stopping right here and I'll act depressed. It usually works.
Of course that my hoomans thought I was thirsty and they gave me water and washed my face to refresh me. Dumb hoomans.

Anyway, my depressed (and now wet) face worked (weak hoomans)!! Time to do a sniffing-patrol.

Resting, at last.

Look at those beautiful duckies, over there. I wish I could run after them.

This one of the park lakes. Can you see all the duckies in the water?

I think I'll have a salad now.

Amazing sunset!

Look at me all pooped out at home... I was so tired that I forgot to put my head down!

31 comentários:

Indi e Vicky disse...

Que fotografias lindas e ainda por cima ao por do sol...o Indi ficou todo "in the mood for love", ele que também é um grande adepto dos passeios ao por do sol! O que vale aos nossos mais-que-tudo é que somos todos muito sporty: a Carla corre, a Sofia tem os patins e agora eu e o Miguel adoptámos os passeios de bicicleta!

Que tenhas muitos mais passeios ao por do sol e tratamentos de pele com relva, querida Pipa*


Kimba disse...

Que dia legal, Pipa!
Lambs, Kimba

Homer disse...

Hello gorgeous Pipa,

So, you don't walk ncely on leash eh? Me too! Heh...heh...heh...

Glad you didn't meet up with other male golden retrievers. Phew! You are so pretty and I'm not surprised that you attract a lot of boys!

Yours truly,

PS: Stay away from the Italian boys (Paco and Milo), Pu and Byte (He's back from his vacation!). Only I who loves you the most! Muahz!

Allison Walton disse...

Wat a grrreat place for a walk!

Gus and Waldo

Augie and Ti's mom disse...

Your captions made me laugh out loud! "Weak hoomans" indeed!

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona disse...

Woowowowowoooooo sweet Pipa!!!!!
What a wonderful place for walking with your humans!!!!
Lucky girl!!!!!
Wish were with you and...........
Woowwoooooo...we love doing the same things!!!!
Hope to meet you soon baby!!!!!!
and your face is sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwww.....beautiful beautiful princess!!!!
We love you a lot!!!!
And our mommy too!!!!!you're very special for her!!!!!
lot sof love and kisses and special licks for your mommy!!!!

Lorenza disse...

Hi, Pipa!
You had a great walkie!
I can imagine you running after that birdie!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Chow Chow disse...

That's a lovely park. Wish I could go for the walkies with you.

Unknown disse...

Hi Pipa,

So sorry I haven't been visiting for ages!!

But first of all - WOW! - thank you so much for mentioning me in your sidebar! That is such a big honour...I am almost embarrassed! And I think my human's head is going to swell up and explode from all the nice things you have said about her!

I am really happy if we can help you, even if just a little, with your training - it's nice to know that some doggies find the information interesting and helpful because Hsin-Yi always worries that maybe it is boring posting all the training videos and stuff.

You know I am my humans' first dog and they made so many mistakes with me that they really want to share all the things they learnt with other people, so that they can avoid their mistakes! :-) But they are still learning all the time too and always interested to read your opinions and experiences about training! :-)

Speaking of look like you're walking really nicely, Pipa! Is that some fancy leash you have on? I hope your humans are finding it a bit easier to get you to walk nicely without pulling.

It looks like a lovely walk in the park - what a beautiful place Portugal is...and yes, definitely gorgeous sunsets!

Honey the Great Dane

Sara Alves disse...

*pu a corar*
errmmm... Pipa... queres sair num DATE comigo?... podiamos ir ao parque da paz os dois...
*pu a corar mais*
eeerrm... corriamos os dois atras dos patos....
hum.... pode ser na 5ª?


Amber-Mae disse...

Hey Pipa! Looks like you had a pawsome time at the park! The sunset was gorgeous & those birdies look like din dins. Yum!

Solid Gold Dancer

Sierra Rose disse...

Oh! Love the parkie post. I can't WAIT to be able to go to the parkie...another month or so!

Hugs, and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Farley's Mom disse...

That looks like a perfect day with your people! Farley likes to have outdoor salad too :)

Tee disse...

Hello there Pipa!

What great many things to see and do on your walkies!

LIcks and wags

Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack

Sara Alves disse...

Alo Pipa! :D foste à praia!!! que sorte!!!
não te preocupes com o parque! quando estiveres novamente em forma voltamos a combinar.... mas.... até que não me importava de te encontrar agora! :D ahahah havia de ser lindo! os nossos donos com mais 10 ou 12 monstrinhos peludos para brincar
mtas lambidelas

PS-A carla que mande vir da petness! é super barato o clicker 4 € e funciona mesmo!

claudia.filipa disse...

Ola Pipa... gosto ssempre de ver as tuas aventuras !!!! Especialmente as da praia ;)

Quando é que marcamos o próximo encontro?


Dino and Family disse...

Oh poor Pipa, you must be exhausted, but I must say they bring you to a lovely place! Beautiful and lots of fun, wish I could be there exercising with you! Love, Dino

Lexi disse...

Hi Pipa,

What a nice walk you had. I love your park and your duckies. Mom and I love your sunset too. Have a fun day.
~Lexi and her Mom~

Aki and Poopie disse...

oh Pipa, you are just too cute for words!!

the last picture of you is just so cuuuuteeee...

and yes, the hoomans are always and will forever be silly. the hopeless nuts... glad you are always there to keep them on their toes and sane.

we miss you!

drooly kisses,


Sofia disse...

Que parque fantástico! E aquele lago, não fizeste carinha de depressão para poderes ir para o lago? Se fosse o Timon, não descansava até estar lá dentro :s

Life With Dogs disse...

I think someone is luck to still have a finger! Any leashburn?
Beautiful sunsets indeed!

Arran, Arthur and Mum disse...

What a lovely park and a great day!

Hero disse...

I love watching sunsets with my hoomans too! I totally agree with you on the grass rolling regiment for improved skin. I wish hoomans would listen to our advise more often. I've tagged you for a little picture game on my blog. Stop by sometime for the rules.

Thor and Jack disse...

Olá Pipa! Que ótimo passeio você teve! Aquele parque é bonito. Aposto que você se divertiu muito.
Que lindo por do sol!

Unknown disse...

What a beautiful walk you had! I loved your pictures!

Dog By Nature disse...

That looks like the perfect way to end a day Pipa! Humans always fall for the sad look, nice job with that:)

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ disse...

aww, we love that last shot of you Pipa, all tired but with your head still up..hehe

That looks like a great park to visit.

(From Samantha - Thank you Carla for the lovely comments you left on our blog about our photographs. I am still learning a lot about photography and am still a beginner to it all but really enjoy having somewhere to post my practice shots of Holly & Zac on.)

Holly & Zac...XX

Claudia Estanislau disse...

great blog had lots of fun reading it :D

Unknown disse...

Hi Pipa - how are you? I haven't heard from you in ages! I hope you're OK and your human too?

Thinking of you -

Honey the Great Dane

Charlie disse...

What a good walk, Pipa!

Najia disse...

Hi Pipa and mama,

Thank you so, so much for stopping over at our blog and saying such nice, sweet things about my big brother Achilles in heaven. It means a lot to me. Today I got two new sisters to play with. I would love for you to meet them. When Aki arrives with Auntie Simona, then there will be 4 of us!

Please come say hi when you have time.
