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sábado, 9 de maio de 2009

Artistic Pipa and the painting period

Furry and not so furry friends:
As you all probably noticed, I've been away for some time. Who's fault is that!? No need to ask. This pair of groovy hoomans that I ended up with. They use a really cheap excuse not to blog. They say they have lot's of work and no time to come here and make a new post!!!! How stupid is that?! It makes me so mad, 'cause they know I really need to come here and post my adventures in the blogosphere! I don't care if they have to do that I-don't-really-know-what-it-is-thing-called-work. I tell you, every-pup, work must be a awsome and fun thing to do. That's the only way I can understand why they keep putting blogging in second place!
Well, anyway, I had to get myself occupied, right?!??! Too much time without posting and I get anxious. Yep. So, I decided to start another magnificient design masterpiece!!! This time, right in the MIDDLE of the HALLWAY HALL! Let me tell you, my hoomans don't know how lucky they are! I've managed to dig a purrrfect hole in their hallway hall. Carla almost fainted of emotion and John kept repeating "I don't believe it!". So, you can see how magnificent this masterpiece was!
This is why I don't have a clue why, a few days later, my hoomans started doing some strange things around the house: they call it painting. Lot's of new smells for me, lot's of things to grab, plastic big things on the floor... I actually couldn't believe when I looked at my hallway hole and... it was covered! There was no hole! That's exactly the same than throwing a Picasso in the garbage!!!!! They didn't even gave me time to take a picture of it, for posterity! I'm so hungry that I could eat a wall. Oh, wait, I already did it.

16 comentários:

Elizabeth Bergesen disse...

Pipa! So nice to see you on Blogger, we have missed you. Sounds like you have kept your parents busy with your 'creations'. Hope you had fun while it lasted!

Sara Alves disse...

ohhhh pipa!!! já tinha saudaduxas de ver o teu nome no topo da lista!!! :)
pois é, eu também me dediquei às paredes... mas foi só um bocadinho... depois desisti... (a sara deu uma pancada com o aspirador num canto, depois tentou colocar massa para refazer o canto... eu papei a massa nova!!!!)
mas foi só isso... um bocadinho minúuusculo de massa...
hummm tive uma ideia brilhante!!!!vamos lançar um programa tipo extreem makeover, versão canina!
extreem dogover?!?!ahahah lindo lindo lindo!
PS - as fotos estão lindas! não consigo escolher a favorita... parece que em cada uma tens uma personalidade diferente!
1ª -adorável
2ª -louca imparável
3ª -desportista activa
muitas lambidelas molhadinhas do pu

Rufus and Indie disse...

Olá Pipa! Ainda bem que estás de volta!

Unknown disse...

Oh, Pipa - we have really missed you! Please don't go away for so long again!

I'm quite impressed with your artwork...a whole wall? (or a hole wall!) - wow! I have heard of Danes doing that but never just a sweet little Golden Retriever like you!! :-)

Still - maybe you should keep your artistic designs on your chew toys and bones from now least they might get preserved and put on display instead of being thrown in the bin!!

Honey the Great Dane

Lorenza disse...

Hi, Pipa!
Sounds like you have been busy!
Sorry they did not appreciate your sense of art!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Indi e Vicky disse...

Pipa!!! Que saudades gigantes!!! E o que nós já nos rimos com o facto de a Carla quase ter desmaiado "de emoção"! Mas de facto tens razão: neste país ninguém reconhece valor aos artistas, sobretudo aos artistas plásticos como tu...A Vicky, como tua fiel seguidora, iniciou-se nas artes da decoração. Decidiu que não gostava das franjas de um sofá da mãe do Miguel e não desistiu enquanto não as despachou...Isto de ter cães com veia artística tem muito que se lhe diga...

Um beijinho e boa sorte para as pinturas*

Aki and Poopie disse...

hehehe.. Pipa the Wall Destroyer? that's just too cute!!!

we love your picture with that beautiful beaming smile... it melts our hearts.. aw....

we hope the wall tasted like something else... hehe.. like say, beef patties?

be good Pipster!

drooly kisses,


claudia.filipa disse...

IEEEE olha quem voltou !!!

Já me fartei de rir com o teo novo post... realmente ninguem compreende os verdadeiros artistas!! Eu próprio sou um incompreendido quenado tento dar uma nova cor às paredes ou um retoque especial a algumas camisolas ou sapatos !!!

Já estava com saudades, não desapareças outra vez :(


Augie and Ti's mom disse...

Oooo, naughty doggy! LOL!

Suzuki disse...

Hi Pipa!
I'm just stopping by to let you know that Scooby & Lady have set a date fur their wedding. Stop by my blog to see how to RSVP if you would like to attend.
Big licks to you

Amber-Mae disse...

Pipa!!!! Oh we would have LOVED to see your grand masterpiece but too bad, no pictures were taken. You are sooo beewootiful by the way!

Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies

Anónimo disse...

Uh oh, Pipa, you ate a wall? I have one question for you - is your bed all right?

See ya!

Unknown disse...

Hey Pipa - I've tagged you to play a game! Check out my latest post to see what you have to do...

Honey the Great Dane

Homer disse...

Hello Pipa!

So nice to see you again! You dug a hole in the wall Are you trying to dig yourself into Mongolia?

You looks as pretty as always! Muahz!

Homer (Am I still your boyfriend?)

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona disse...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pipa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we loved your artistic time!!!
But don't understand why your humans didn't appreciated it!!!!!
sorry you weren't able to take a photo about your work....but sure it must been MARVELLOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're very very very very happy to see you again on bloggerland!!!!!
WE MISSED YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!Please dear friend....don't desappear again....we can't live without you and mommy without your sweet niece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Auntie have sent 2 mail to your mommy....did she have receive mail???
We kept you in our hearts every day!!!!!!!!!!
don't forget us never...ok????
we love you soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!

Indi e Vicky disse...

Obrigada Carla! Melhores dias hão de vir e daqui por pouco tempo, espero, o teu trabalho vai começando a ser cada vez menos (para compensar o tanto que tiveste até agora acho que devia reduzir ao ponto de teres tempo para organizar os tais torneios de berlinde!!!) e os meus dois amores (Vicky e Pinças) já curados. E aí sim havemos de nos juntar nos nossos famosos encontros de goldens e eu hei de levar a Vicky no Pinças para festejar!!