Hello, Furry and Not So Furry friends! :)
Well, the 4th April was my 2nd Barkday. Yeah, it was ages ago, and' because of my groovy hooman, I'm posting this late about that epic event. My hooman has been seriously neglecting my blog and I am really mad with her. So, I've decided to eat another wall... cof cof cof... I mean.... cof cof... make another artistic sculpture. But this is another story.
Anyway, she claims she's been really busy and she's having problems in downloading my photos here at Blogger too, but I don't believe her. Ohhhhh, I've had loads of fun in my Barkday.
And to proove it, check out some photos! 
I couldn't believe it was my birthday... We went to the Park for some foollin'-around-with-my-tennis-ball play.

... and then I got to play a lot with one of my favourite toys: rocks.
This is Balu, one of my best friends. We met at the Park and we had some play time.

... well, I kind'a started getting hungry with all the fun and play...

And then, in the afternoon... beach time!

I'm so sorry I haven't been able to visit your blogs these days... I'll visit you as soon as I can, ok?
I guess I've been apologising a lot, right? But I'm really sorry.
And I miss you all!